Why Choose Us?

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Taxes! Just the word already makes a lot of people confused, and when you dig deep into it, it’s easy to see how people could get lost. There are a lot of different forms to pay attention to, but then you also have to gather your own forms, and sometimes you might be a special case and not know about it. Of course, there are a lot of different options for tax preparing.

There're online websites that will fill everything in for you, as long as you provide a few key numbers. They’ll show you the forms, and you’ll know its right, but websites can’t really explain your personal tax documents to you. They can give you examples, but they can’t make them personal. Their calculations are correct, of course, but you don’t get much of an explanation for them either. Most websites only offer the basics -- so, for example, if you wanted to be able to track how your return was progressing, you’d have to pay a steep fee. Overall, these websites will get the job done, but if you end up with a lot of questions about your return, they’re not equipped to answer.

Many banks these days are offering tax preparation services. It’s already a step up from the website, because now you’re working with an actual person, who has your forms and history in front of them. However, these services aren’t always done by actual tax professionals -- rather, they are the bank’s employees, just performing another service. It may not be something they’ve trained for, or if they’ve taken classes, it’s been a long time. They can be very helpful, in part because customer service is such a big part of the banking experience, but they’re simply not tax professionals.

When you work withiRefund, what you’re getting is a trained team of tax professionals, who work on taxes and related documents year-round. We work with you, so when you have questions about your return, we’re not just citing examples. Websites and banks are all very well, but if you want to get the most money out of your return, you need to turn to the pros.

Don’t be confused -- choose iRefund.

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